20° Film Festival Giovanile dell’OEW

The Swimmers

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Il colonialismo, la fuga, il potere delle grandi aziende e il sessismo sono i temi del festival cinematografico di quest`anno.

The Swimmers;
USA, UK 2022, 134 min.;
Directed by: Sally El Hosaini;
With Nathalie Issa, Manal Issa, Matthias Schweighöfer;
Language: English with English subtitles // recommended for ages 16 and up;

The two Syrian sisters Yusra and Sarah Mardini are training for the Olympic Games when they are forced to flee their war-torn homeland. They cross the Mediterranean partly by swimming until they arrive as asylum seekers in Greece and finally Germany. Due to their swimming talent, they make it to the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro facing a lot of obstacles along their way.

2° visione ore 10.40
5 Euro a film per ogni alunno/a. È inclusa una discussione di due ore con un/a esperto/a. // Ulteriori informazioni e iscrizioni per classi presso l’oew: Tel. 324-8629250 o bildung@oew.org